Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Locking On To Conclusions Based On The "Truth".

I have never met a person that couldn't see at least some of the Truth. It's after a fellow Human forms conclusions, based on an observed Truth, that conceptual errors can result.

We tend to embrace Our conclusions just as much as the Truth We see and this tendency can cause Us to leave the learning of the Truth, for the sake of it, and become "mired" in Our conclusions. Then We forget that there is almost always an "exception to the rule"...a point where Our conclusion is simply not always True.

Which, in turn, can lead to injustice, or "Man's InHumanity To Man".

For example: A "Conservative" person might observe that there are some Humans that are prone to laziness, to the extent that they never develope, to some productive degree, a "Work Ethic". Their conclusion to this Truth, is that such lazy people do not deserve any of the economic benefit of society. They are unworthy to include themselves among those of Us who have developed a Work Ethic and have become productive for Our Society. Then the Conservative might further conclude that there is "no excuse" for this lack of work ethic and that this "non-productive element" should be erradicated from Our Society. Some of the Conservatives stop learning from the Truth of the matter, as soon as they begin to judge about the lazy person's contribution to society. The continued adherence to the Truth, (while minimising conclusion judgement), may have led them to greater understanding of the many reasons why some Humans never overcome their personal laziness. Thus, they might never discover possible corrections and cures for this kind of Human shortcoming and waste potential contributions to One's Society. This is a general example of how locking on to one's conclusions, based on observation of Truth, can cause a dis-service to One's Society. A waste of Human Resources could result. This could further devolve from the Truth, as adopting a habit in this judgemental conclusion embracement, could make it ever harder to seek fair and equitable solution to problems between Humans. Viewpoints, subject to possible improvements, could become "hardened" rhetoric, dogma and agenda...which, while representing "Truth Immersed In Conclusion", becomes increasingly difficult to reconcile with other aspects of that same Truth for the sake of solution that serves the Many rather than the few.

Just a few thoughts. It may look like I am picking on "Conservatives", but I hasten to share that this phenomena can be found in all social and political mindsets...all Individual Thought Systems. All these "Truth/Conclusion Formations" have the same basic problem. The danger of veering from More Of The Truth.